Journal articles

  • Schirmer J., Wolpert S., Dapper K., Rühle M., Wertz J., Wouters M., Eldh T., Bader K., Singer W., Gaudrain E., Başkent D., Verhulst S., Braun C., Rüttiger L., Munk M.H.J., Dalhoff E., Knipper M. (2024) “Neural Adaptation at Stimulus Onset and Speed of Neural Processing as Critical Contributors to Speech Comprehension Independent of Hearing Threshold or Age.” Journal of Clinical Medicine 13(9):2725. doi: 10.3390/jcm13092725. [OA]
  • Meyer L., Araiza-Illan G., Rachman L., Gaudrain E., Başkent D. (2024) “Evaluating speech-in-speech perception via a humanoid robot.” Frontiers in Neuroscience 18:1293120. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2024.1293120. [OA]
  • Nagels L., Gaudrain E., Vickers D., Hendriks P., Başkent D. (2024) “Prelingually Deaf Children With Cochlear Implants Show Better Perception of Voice Cues and Speech in Competing Speech Than Postlingually Deaf Adults With Cochlear Implants.” Ear and Hearing. doi: 10.1097/AUD.0000000000001489 [OA]
  • Babaoğlu G., Rachman L., Ertürk P., Özkişi Yazgan B., Sennaroğlu G., Gaudrain E., Başkent D. (2024) “Perception of voice cues in school-age children with hearing aids.” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 155(1):722–741. doi:10.1121/10.0024356. [OA]
  • Meyer L., Rachman L., Araiza-Illan G., Gaudrain E., Başkent D. (2023) “Use of a humanoid robot for auditory psychophysical testing.” PLoS ONE 18(12):e0294328. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0294328. [OA]
  • Osses A., Spinelli E., Meunier F., Gaudrain E., Varnet L. (2023). “Prosodic cues to word boundaries in a segmentation task assessed using reverse correlation,” JASA Express Letters, 3, 095205. doi:10.1121/10.0021022. [OA]
  • Koelewijn T., Gaudrain E., Shehab T., Treczoks T., Başkent D. (2023). “The Role of Word Content, Sentence Information, and Vocoding for Voice Cue Perception,” Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research, 66, 3665–3676. doi:10.1044/2023_JSLHR-22-00491. [OA]
  • Thévenet J., Kehy M., Boyer N., Pradeau A., Papet L., Gaudrain E., Grimault N., Mathevon N. (2023) “Sound categorization by crocodilians,” iScience, 26, 106441. doi:10.1016/j.isci.2023.106441. [OA]
  • Harding E. E., Gaudrain E., Hrycyk I. J., Harris R. L., Tillmann B., Maat B., Free R. H., Başkent D. (2023). “Musical emotion categorization with vocoders of varying temporal and spectral content,” Trends in Hearing, 27, 233121652211411. doi:10.1177/23312165221141142. [OA]
  • Huet M.-P., Micheyl C., Gaudrain E., Parizet E. (2022). “Vocal and semantic cues for the segregation of long concurrent speech stimuli in diotic and dichotic listening—The Long-SWoRD test,” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 151:1557–1574. doi: 10.1121/10.0007225. [OA]
  • Engler S., Gaudrain E., de Kleine E., van Dijk P. (2022). “Relationship between irregularities in spontaneous otoacoustic emissions suppression and psychophysical tuning curves,” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 151:1055–1063. doi: 10.1121/10.0009278.
  • Huet M.-P., Micheyl C., Parizet E., Gaudrain E. (2021). “Behavioral account of attended stream enhances neural tracking,” Frontiers in Neuroscience 15. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2021.674112. [OA]
  • Nogueira W., El Boghdady N., Langner F., Gaudrain E., Başkent D. (2021). “Effect of channel interaction on vocal cue perception in cochlear implant users,” Trends in Hearing 25, 233121652110301. doi: 10.1177/23312165211030166. [OA]
  • Koelewijn T., Gaudrain E., Tamati T., Başkent D. (2021). “The effects of lexical content, acoustic and linguistic variability, and vocoding on voice cue perception,” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 150, 1620–1634. doi: 10.1121/10.0005938. [OA]
  • Nagels L., Gaudrain E., Vickers D., Hendriks P., Başkent D. (2021). “School-age children benefit from voice gender cue differences for the perception of speech in competing speech,” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 149(5):3328-3344. doi: 10.1121/10.0004791. [OA]
  • El Boghdady N., Langner F., Gaudrain E., Başkent D., Nogueira W. (2021). “Effect of spectral contrast enhancement on speech-on-speech intelligibility and voice cue sensitivity in cochlear implant users,” Ear and Hearing 42(2):271-289. doi: 10.1097/AUD.0000000000000936. [OA]
  • Nagels L., Gaudrain E., Vickers D., Hendriks P., Başkent D. (2020). “Development of voice perception is dissociated across gender cues in school-age children,” Scientific Reports 10(1):5074. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-61732-6. [OA]
  • Nagels L., Gaudrain E., Vickers D., Matos Lopes M., Hendriks P., Başkent D. (2020). “Development of vocal emotion recognition in school-age children: The EmoHI test for hearing-impaired populations,” PeerJ 8:e8773. doi: 10.7717/peerj.8773. [OA]
  • Tillmann B., Poulin-Charronnat B., Gaudrain E., Akhoun I., Delbé C., Truy E., Collet L. (2019). “Implicit Processing of Pitch in Postlingually Deafened Cochlear Implant Users,” Frontiers in Psychology 10:1990. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01990. [OA]
  • El Boghdady N., Gaudrain E., Başkent D. (2019). “Does good perception of vocal characteristics relate to better speech-on-speech intelligibility for cochlear implant users?,” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 145:417–439. doi:10.1121/1.5087693. [OA]
  • El Boghdady N., Başkent D., Gaudrain E. (2018). “Effect of frequency mismatch and band partitioning on vocal tract length perception in vocoder simulations of cochlear implant processing,” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 143:3505–3519. doi:10.1121/1.5041261. [OA]
  • Başkent D., Luckmann A., Ceha J., Gaudrain E., Tamati T. N. (2018). “The discrimination of voice cues in simulations of bimodal electro-acoustic cochlear-implant hearing,” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 143:EL292–EL297. doi:10.1121/1.5034171. [OA]
  • Başkent D., Fuller C. D., Galvin J. J., Schepel L., Gaudrain E., Free R. H. (2018). “Musician effect on perception of spectro-temporally degraded speech, vocal emotion, and music in young adolescents,” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 143:EL311–EL316. doi:10.1121/1.5034489. [OA]
  • Riecke L., Formisano E., Sorger B., Başkent D., Gaudrain E. (2018). “Neural Entrainment to Speech Modulates Speech Intelligibility,” Current Biology 28(2):161–169.e5. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2017.11.033. [OA]
  • Gaudrain E., Başkent D. (2018). “Discrimination of Voice Pitch and Vocal-Tract Length in Cochlear Implant Users,” Ear and Hearing 39(2):226–237. doi: 10.1097/AUD.0000000000000480. [OA]
  • Clarke J., Kazanoğlu D., Başkent D., Gaudrain E. (2017). “Effect of F0 contours on top-down repair of interrupted speech,” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 142:EL7–EL12. doi:10.1121/1.4990398. [OA]
  • Gaudrain E., Deeks J.M., Carlyon R.P. (2017). “Temporal regularity detection and rate discrimination in cochlear-implant listeners,” Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology 18(2):387-397. doi: 10.1007/s10162-016-0586-4. [OA]
  • Başkent D., Clarke J., Pals C., Benard M.R., Bhargava P., Saija J., Sarampalis A., Wagner A., Gaudrain E. (2016). “Cognitive compensation of speech perception in hearing loss: How and to what degree can it be achieved?” Trends in Hearing 20:233121651667027. doi: 10.1177/2331216516670279. [OA]
  • Bhargava P., Gaudrain E., Başkent D. (2016). “The Intelligibility of Interrupted Speech: Cochlear Implant Users and Normal Hearing Listeners,” Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology 17:475-491. doi : 10.1007/s10162-016-0565-9. [OA]
  • Başkent D., Gaudrain E. (2016). “Musician advantage for speech-on-speech perception,” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 139:EL51-56. doi : 10.1121/1.4942628. [OA]
  • Clarke J., Başkent D., Gaudrain E. (2016). “Pitch and spectral resolution: A systematic comparison of bottom-up cues for top-down repair of degraded speech,” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 139:395-405. doi : 10.1121/1.4939962.
  • Cosentino S., Gaudrain E., Deeks J.M., Carlyon R.P. (2015). “Multistage nonlinear optimization to recover neural activation patterns from evoked compound action potentials of cochlear implant users,” IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 63(4):833-840. doi : 10.1109/TBME.2015.2476373.
  • Gaudrain E., Başkent D. (2015). “Factors limiting vocal-tract length discrimination in cochlear implant simulations,” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 137(3):1298-1308. doi : 10.1121/1.4908235.
  • Fuller C.D., Gaudrain E., Clarke J., Galvin J.J., Fu Q.-J., Free R.H., Başkent D. (2014). “Gender categorization is abnormal in cochlear-implant users,” Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology 15(6):1037-1048. doi : 10.1007/s10162-014-0483-7.
  • Clarke J., Gaudrain E., Chatterjee M.C., Başkent D. (2014). “T'ain't the way you say it, it's what you say – Perceptual continuity of voice and top–down restoration of speech,” Hearing Research 315:80-87. doi : 10.1016/j.heares.2014.07.002.
  • Kreitewolf J., Gaudrain E., von Kriegstein K. (2014). “A neural mechanism for recognizing speech spoken by different speakers,” NeuroImage 91:375–385. doi : 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2014.01.005.
  • Bhargava P., Gaudrain E., Başkent D. (2014). “Top–down restoration of speech in cochlear-implant users,” Hearing Research 309:113-23. doi : 10.1016/j.heares.2013.12.003.
  • Gaudrain E., Carlyon R.P. (2013). “Using Zebra-speech to study sequential and simultaneous speech segregation in a cochlear-implant simulation,” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 133(1):502-518. doi: 10.1121/1.4770243.
  • Signoret C., Gaudrain E., Perrin F. (2013). “Similarities in the neural signature for the processing of behaviorally categorized and uncategorized speech sounds,” European Journal of Neuroscience 37:777-785. doi : 10.1111/ejn.12097.
  • Gaudrain E., Grimault N., Healy E.W., Béra J.-C. (2012). “The relationship between concurrent speech segregation, pitch-based streaming of vowel sequences, and frequency selectivity,” Acta Acustica united with Acustica 98(2):317-327. doi : 10.3813/AAA.918515.
  • Gabriel D., Gaudrain E., Lebrun-Guillaud G., Sheppard F., Tomescu I.M., Schnider A. (2012). “Do Irrelevant Sounds Impair the Maintenance of All Characteristics of Speech in Memory?” Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 41(6):475-486. doi : 10.1007/s10936-012-9204-8.
  • Signoret C., Gaudrain E., Tillmann B., Grimault N., Perrin F. (2011). “Facilitated auditory detection for speech sounds,” Frontiers in Psychology 2:176. doi : 10.3389/fpsyg.2011.00176. [OA]
  • Devergie A., Grimault N., Gaudrain E., Healy E.W., Berthommier F. (2011). “The effect of lip-reading on primary stream segregation,” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 130:283-291. doi : 10.1121/1.3592223.
  • Gaudrain E., Li S., Ban V.S., Patterson R.D. (2009). “The role of glottal pulse rate and vocal tract length in the perception of speaker identity,” Interspeech 2009, vol. 1-5, 152-155.
  • Gaudrain E., Grimault N., Healy E.W., Béra J.-C. (2008). “Streaming of vowel sequences based on fundamental frequency in a cochlear implant simulation,” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 124(5):3076-3087. doi : 10.1121/1.2988289.
  • Gaudrain E., Grimault N., Healy E.W., Béra J.-C. (2007). “Effect of spectral smearing on the perceptual segregation of vowel sequences,” Hearing Research 231, 32-41. doi : 10.1016/j.heares.2007.05.001.
  • Grimault N., Gaudrain E. (2007). “The Consequences of Cochlear Damages on Auditory Scene Analysis,” Current Topics in Acoustical Research 4:17–24. Online access on

Invited conferences

  • Gaudrain E. (2024). “Voice perception as a bridge between psychoacoustics and speech intelligibility / Interactions Between Voice and Speech Perception,” 186th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America/Acoustics Week in Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada.
  • Gaudrain E. (2019). “Hearing voices to communicate across the spectrum,” Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses, Lake Tahoe, CA, USA.
  • Gaudrain E. (2018). “Intelligibilité et variabilité dans la parole,” Enseignement Post-Universitaire du Collège National d'Audioprothèse, Paris, France.
  • Gaudrain E. (2018). “Hearing voices to communicate across the spectrum,” BCN PI Meeting, Groningen, Netherlands.
  • Gaudrain E., Carlyon R.P., Clarke J., Başkent D. (2013). “Concurrent speech perception: from streaming to phonemic restoration,” 5th Workshop on Speech in Noise: Intelligibility and Quality, 10-11 January 2013, Vitoria, Spain.
  • Gaudrain E. (2013). “Perception de voix concurrentes : à la recherche du segment perdu...” 2èmes Journées Perception Sonore de la Société Française d’Acoustique, 10-11 December 2012, Marseille, France.
  • Gaudrain E., Grimault N., Arthaud P., Chabrier C. (2004). “Ségrégation de voix concurrentes par des sujets normo malentendants,” 8ème Symposium Entendre, Rhodes, Greece.

Proceedings, books and book chapters

  • Caclin A., Gaudrain E., Grimault N., Lavandier M., Micheyl C. editors (2022) Psychoacoustics, Physiology of Hearing, and Auditory Modelling, from the Ear to the Brain. Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Hearing. [OA]
  • Gaudrain E., Huet M.-P. (2022) “Perception de la parole en contexte et rôle des oscillations cérébrales,” 50ème Entretiens de Médecine Physique et de Réadaptation, Montpellier, France
  • Meyer L., Araiza-Illan G., Rachman L., Gaudrain E., Başkent D. (2021) “Perception of a Humanoid Robot as an Interface for Auditory Testing,” In: Fox C, Gao J, Ghalamzan Esfahani A, Saaj M, Hanheide M, Parsons S (eds) Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems. Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp 198–202, doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-89177-0_21
  • Nagels L., Gaudrain E., Vickers D., Matos Lopes M., Hendriks P., Başkent D. (2019). “Vocal emotion recognition in school-age children: normative data for the EmoHI test,” 2nd International Workshop on Vocal Interactivity in-and-between Humans, Animals and Robots (VIHAR), London, UK.
  • Huet M.-P., Micheyl C., Gaudrain E., Parizet E. (2018). “Who Are You Listening to? Towards a Dynamic Measure of Auditory Attention to Speech-on-speech,” Interspeech 2018, 2272–2275. doi: 10.21437/Interspeech.2018-2053.
  • van Dijk P., Başkent D., Gaudrain E., de Kleine E., Wagner A., Lanting C.P. editors (2016). Physiology, psychoacoustics and cognition in normal and impaired hearing. Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Hearing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-25474-6. [OA]
  • Başkent D., Gaudrain E., Tamati T.N., Wagner A. (2016). “Perception and psychoacoustics of speech in cochlear implant users,” In Cacace A.T., de Kleine E., Genene-Holt A., van Dijk P. (Eds.) Scientific Foundations of Audiology, Plural Publishing, Inc (San Diego, CA, USA). Chapter 12, p.285-319.
  • Gaudrain E., Stam L., Başkent D. (2014). “Measure and model of vocal-tract length discrimination in cochlear implants,” 4th International Conference on Audio, Language and Image Processing (ICALIP), Shanghai, China. IEEE catalog No. CFP1450D-PRT. doi: 10.1109/ICALIP.2014.7009751.
  • Patterson R.D., Gaudrain E., Walters T.C. (2010). “The perception of musical notes and instruments,” In Music Perception, edited by Jones M.R., Popper A.N., Fay R.R. (Springer Handbook of Auditory Research) p.13-50.
  • Patterson R.D., Walters T.C., Monaghan J.J.M, Gaudrain E. (2010). “Reviewing the Definition of Timbre as It Pertains to the Perception of Speech and Musical Sounds,” The Neurophysiological Bases of Auditory Perception ; proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Hearing, edited by Lopez-Poveda E.A., Palmer A.R., Meddis R. (Springer, New York) p.223–233. Online at


  • Gaudrain E., Nagels L., Babaoğlu G., Ertürk P., Özkişi Yazgan B., Vickers D., Hendriks P., Sennaroğlu G., Rachman L., Başkent D. (2023). “Voice cue sensitivity development in children with normal and impaired hearing,” audidev: Auditory Development Workshop, Paris, France. Poster.
  • Gaudrain E., Harding E.E., Harris R.L., Tillmann B., Maat B., Free R.F., Başkent D. (2023). “Learning piano improves speech-on-speech perception in cochlear implant users,” JPS2023 Journées Perception Sonore, Paris, France. Poster.
  • Gaudrain E., Harding E.E., Harris R.L., Tillmann B., Maat B., Free R.F., Başkent D. (2023). “Speech-on-speech perception in adult cochlear implant users: Benefits from voice differences,” 10th Forum Acusticum, Turin, Italy. Presentation.
  • Harding E.E., Gaudrain E., Harris R.L., Tillmann B., Maat B., Free R.F., Başkent D. (2023). “Music emotion perception with a cochlear implant: Can valence perception be predicted by other metrics?,” 10th Forum Acusticum, Turin, Italy. Presentation.
  • Gaudrain E., Harding E.E., Harris R.L., Tillmann B., Maat B., Free R.H., Başkent D. (2023). “Parametric voice difference benefit for speech-on-speech perception in adult cochlear implant users,” 184th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Chicago, Illinois, USA. Poster.
  • Gaudrain E., Nagels L., El Boghdady N., Fuller C., Free R.H., Başkent D. (2019). “Speech and voice perception: An intricate relationship,” 2019 ARCHES Meeting, Paris, France. Presentation.
  • Crouzet O., Gaudrain E. (2019). “On the articulation between acoustic and semantic uncertainty in speech perception: Investigating the interaction between sources of information in perceptual classification,” 177th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Louisville, Kentucky, USA. Poster.
  • El Boghdady N., Gaudrain E., Başkent D. (2018). “How do differences in voice characteristics affect cochlear implant users’ speech intelligibility in cocktail-party scenarios?” 175th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. Poster. doi: 10.1121/1.5035982.
  • Gaudrain E. (2017). “Using models to evaluate whether spectral centroid could play a role in F0 and VTL perception in acoustic and electric hearing” Basic Auditory Science meeting, Nottingham, United-Kingdom. Poster.
  • Gaudrain E. (2017). “Could spectral centroid play a role in voice pitch and vocal-tract length perception in acoustic and in electric hearing?” Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses, Lake Tahoe, California, USA. Poster.
  • Gaudrain E. (2017). “Using models to evaluate whether spectral centroid could play a role in F0 and VTL perception in acoustic and electric hearing” 9th Speech in Noise Workshop, Oldenburg, Germany. Poster.
  • Gaudrain E. (2017). “Barycentre spectral et perception de la hauteur de la voix et de la longueur de tractus vocal chez les normo-entendants et les utilisateurs d’implants cochléaires” 3èmes Journées Perception Sonore, Brest, France. Poster. hal
  • Gaudrain E. (2016). “Can spectral centroid explain voice pitch and vocal-tract length perception in normal-hearing and cochlear implant listeners?” 5th Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society Of America and the Acoustical Society Of Japan, Honolulu, HI, USA. Presentation.
  • Gaudrain E., Bhargava P., Başkent D. (2016). “Why does gap detection performance in cochlear implant users differ between free-field and direct-stimulation?” 5th Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society Of America and the Acoustical Society Of Japan, Honolulu, HI, USA. Poster. doi : 10.1121/1.4970336.
  • Gaudrain E., El Boghdady N., Başkent D. (2015). “The perception of vocal-tract length in cochlear implant users: Can it be improved?” 9th ARCHES meeting, Groningen, Netherlands. Presentation.
  • Gaudrain E., El Boghdady N., Başkent D. (2015). “The perception of vocal-tract length in cochlear implant users: Can it be improved?,” 170th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Jacksonville, Florida, USA. Presentation.
  • Gaudrain E., Başkent D. (2015). “Discrimination of vocal characteristics in cochlear implants,” 38th Annual Mid-winter Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Presentation.
  • Gaudrain E., Başkent D. (2015). “Perception of vocal characteristics in cochlear implants,” 7th Workshop on Speech in Noise, Copenhagen, Denmark. Poster.
  • Gaudrain E., Başkent D. (2014). “Vocal-tract length discrimination and spectral resolution in cochlear implants,” 8th International Symposium on Objective Measures in Auditory Implants, Toronto, Canada. Poster.
  • Gaudrain E., Başkent D. (2014). “Perception of vocal tract length in cochlear implants,” Workshop Improving Performance with Cochlear Implants, UCL Ear Institute, London, UK. 11 March 2014.
  • Gaudrain E., Başkent D. (2014). “Factors limiting perception of vocal characteristics in cochlear-implants,” 37th Annual Mid-winter Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, San Diego, California, USA. Poster.
  • Gaudrain E., Başkent D. (2014). “Factors limiting perception of vocal characteristics in cochlear-implants,” 6th Workshop on Speech in Noise, Marseille, France. Poster.
  • Gaudrain E., Başkent D. (2013). “Factors limiting vocal-tract-length perception in cochlear-implants,” 223e Algemene KNO Vergadering, Maastricht, Netherlands. Presentation.
  • Gaudrain E., Fuller C.D., Clarke J., Galvin J.J., Fu Q.-J., Free R.H., Başkent D. (2013). “Little Red Riding Hood was a Cochlear Implant User!!” Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses, Lake Tahoe, California, USA. Poster.
  • Gaudrain E., Başkent D. (2013). “Perceptie van vocale kenmerken in cochlear implantaten,” 222e Algemene KNO Vergadering, Nieuwegein, Utrecht, NL. Presentation.
  • Gaudrain E., Carlyon R.P. (2012). “Invite a Zebra to your electro-acoustic cocktail party: sequential concurrent speech segregation in EAS simulation,” 4th Workshop on Speech in Noise: Intelligibility and Quality, Cardiff, UK. Poster.
  • Gaudrain E., Carlyon R.P. (2011). “Zebra speech: investigating the role of sequential segregation for concurrent speech perception in cochlear implants,” Annual Conference of the British Society of Audiology, Nottingham, UK. Poster.
  • Gaudrain E., Deeks J.M., Carlyon R.P. (2011). “Pulse Train Irregularity Detection in Normal-Hearing Listeners and Cochlear Implant Users,” Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses, Pacific Grove, California, USA. Poster.
  • Gaudrain E., Carlyon R.P. (2011). “Zebra speech in real and simulated cochlear implants: invite a stripy friend to your cocktail party,” First International Conference on Cognitive Hearing Science for Communication, Linköping, Sweden. Poster.
  • Gaudrain E., Carlyon R.P. (2011). “Zebra speech in real and simulated cochlear implants: invite a stripy friend to your cocktail party,” 3rd Workshop on Speech in Noise: Intelligibility and Quality, Lyon. Poster.
  • Gaudrain E., Carlyon, R.P. (2010). “Noise vocoded zebra speech: Invite a stripy friend to your cocktail party,” Int. J. Audiol. 49(2), p.141-183. BSA Short Papers Meeting on Experimental Studies of Hearing and Deafness, Manchester, UK. Poster.
  • Gaudrain E., Patterson R.D. (2010). “Caractérisation psycho-acoustique de l’identité du locuteur,” Actes du 10ème Congrès Français d’Acoustique, Lyon. Talk.
  • Gaudrain E., Li S., Ban V.S., Patterson, R.D. (2009). “The role of glottal pulse rate, vocal tract length and listener’s gender in the perception of speaker identity,” BSA Short Papers Meeting on Experimental Studies of Hearing and Deafness, Southampton, UK. Poster.
  • Gaudrain E., Binetti A., Patterson R.D. (2008). “Is speaker size estimation obligatory and automatic in streaming?” BSA Short Papers Meeting on Experimental Studies of Hearing and Deafness, York, UK. Poster.
  • Gaudrain E., Grimault N., Healy E.W., Béra J.-C. (2008). “Pitch-based streaming of vowel sequences, speech-in-speech segregation, and frequency selectivity,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 123, 3301. 155th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Paris, France. Poster.
  • Gaudrain E., Grimault N., Berthommier F., Healy E.W., Béra J.-C. (2007). “Audio-visual interaction in an auditory streaming task involving vowels,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 122, 3065. 154th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, New-Orleans, Louisiana, USA. Poster.
  • Gaudrain E., Grimault N., Healy E.W., Béra J.-C. (2006). “Segregation of vowel sequences having spectral cues reduced using a noise-band vocoder,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 119, 3238. 151st Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Providence, Rhode-Island, USA. Poster.
  • Gaudrain E., Grimault N., Healy E.W., Béra J.-C. (2005). “Segregation of vowel sequences by normal-hearing and hearing impaired listeners,” IAPA 2005, XIIth International Symposium on Audiological Medicine, Lyon, France. Talk.

  • As co-author

  • Dapper K., Schirmer J., Rüttiger L., Gaudrain E., Başkent D., Verhulst S., Braun C., Dalhoff E., Wolpert S., Knipper M., Munk M.H.J. (2024) “Phase Coding in Phoneme Processing Slows With Age,” 47th Annual MidWinter Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Anaheim, CA, USA. Poster.
  • Rüttiger L., Schirmer J., Wolpert S., Dapper K., Rühle M., Wertz J., Wouters M., Bourien J., Gaudrain E., Başkent D., Verhulst S., Munk M.H.J., Dalhoff E., Braun C., Knipper M. (2024) “Audiometric Markers of Cochlear Synaptopathy and Speech in Noise Deficits in Humans,” 47th Annual MidWinter Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Anaheim, CA, USA. Presentation.
  • Bakay W., Lao-Rodríguez A.B., Gaudrain E., Verhulst S., Malmierca M.S. (2024) “How Speech is Coded in the IC of Gerbils and Affected by Hidden Hearing Loss,” 47th Annual MidWinter Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Anaheim, CA, USA. Poster.
  • Kiselev D., Gaudrain E., Verhulst S., Puel J.-L., Bourien J. (2024) “Encoding of Vowels in Gerbil Auditory Nerve,” 47th Annual MidWinter Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Anaheim, CA, USA. Poster.
  • Thienpont M., Wouters M., Deloche F., Kiselev D., Dubernard X., Seidermann A., Puel J.-L., Bourien J., Gaudrain E., Verhulst S. (2024). “Peripheral Speech Encoding Mechanisms: Comparative Analysis Between Simulations and Human and Gerbil Empirical Measures,” 47th Annual MidWinter Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Anaheim, CA, USA. Poster.
  • Rotteveel F., Maat B., Başkent D., Gaudrain E. (2024) “An experimental setup to measure cochlear implant output of ecological stimuli.” 15th Speech in Noise Workshop (SPIN2024), Postdam, Germany. Poster. doi: 10.5281/ZENODO.10512254
  • Harding E.E., Gaudrain E., Harris R., Tillmann B., Maat B., Free R., Başkent D. (2024) “A new piano training improves speech-on-speech perception in cochlear implant users,” 15th Speech in Noise Workshop (SPIN2024), Postdam, Germany. Poster.
  • Başkent D., Rachman L., Nagels L., Babaoğlu G., Ertürk P., Özkişi Yazgan B., Vickers D., Hendriks P., Sennaroğlu G., Gaudrain E. (2023). “Acoustic and Developmental Factors in Voice Perception in Children With Hearing Devices,” 10th Forum Acusticum, Turin, Italy. Presentation.
  • Rotteveel F., Maat B., James C., Kovačić D., Başkent D., Gaudrain E. (2023). “Electric pitch perception with cochlear implants: Using real-life sounds to get back on the right track,” 4th Virtual Conference on Computational Audiology (VCCA2023), Online (hosts Australia, South-Africa, USA). Presentation.
  • ten Hoor M.W., Rotteveel F., Maat B., Başkent D., Gaudrain E. (2023). “Associates of talker size in cochlear implant stimulation,” 4th Virtual Conference on Computational Audiology (VCCA2023), Online (hosts Australia, South-Africa, USA). Presentation.
  • Türüdü S., Koelewijn T., Gaudrain E., Başkent D. (2023). “Comparing Digits-in-Noise Test Implementations on Various Platforms with Normal Hearing Individuals,” 4th Virtual Conference on Computational Audiology (VCCA2023), Online (hosts Australia, South-Africa, USA). Presentation.
  • Başkent D., Babaoğlu G., Özkişi Yazgan B., Ertürk P., Gaudrain E., Nagels L., Jong T., Launer S., Singh G., Derleth R. P., Coster F., Chatterjee M., Vickers D., Hendriks P., Yücel E., Sennaroğlu G., Schroeff M., Vroegop J., Maat B., Free R., Benard R., Dirks E., Rachman L. (2023). “Emotion perception in children with cochlear implants and with hearing aids,” 184th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Chicago, Illinois, USA. Poster.
  • Harding E.E., Gaudrain E., Hrycyk I.J., Harris R.L., Tillmann B., Maat B., Free R.H., Başkent D. (2023). “Arousal but not valence: Music emotion categorization in normal hearing and cochlear implanted participants,” 184th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Chicago, Illinois, USA. Presentation.
  • Rachman L., Babaoğlu G., Nagels L., Ertürk P., Özkişi Yazgan B., Vickers D., Hendriks P., Sennaroğlu G., Gaudrain E., Başkent D. (2023). “Voice cue sensitivity in children with cochlear implants and with hearing aids,” 184th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Chicago, Illinois, USA. Presentation.
  • Rachman L., Meyer L., Araiza-Illan G., Gaudrain E., Başkent D. (2023). “Voice cue perception and voice gender categorisation via a humanoid robot interface,” 184th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Chicago, Illinois, USA. Poster.
  • Harding E.E., Rachman L., Gray R., Smeenk S., Sarampalis A., Gaudrain E., Başkent D. (2023). “Effects of age and musical expertise on perception of speech in speech maskers in adults,” 184th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Chicago, Illinois, USA. Poster.
  • Başkent D., Nagels L., Ertürk P., Babaoğlu G., Özkişi Yazgan B., Vickers D., Hendriks P., Sennaroğlu G., Rachman L., Gaudrain E. (2023). “Perception of speech in competing speech in children with hearing aids or cochlear implants,” 46th Annual Mid-winter Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Orlando, Florida, USA. Presentation.
  • Harding E. E., Gaudrain E., Hrycyk I. J., Harris R. L., Tillmann B., Maat B., Free R. H., Başkent D. (2023). “Music emotion categorization in typically hearing and cochlear implant users,” 46th Annual Mid-winter Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Orlando, Florida, USA. Presentation.
  • Rachman L., Harding E. E., Gray R., Smeenk S., Sarampalis A., Gaudrain E., Başkent D. (2023). “Effects of age and musical expertise on perception of speech in single-talker speech maskers in adults,” 46th Annual Mid-winter Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Orlando, Florida, USA. Poster.
  • Melchers A., Dapper K., Wouters M., Gaudrain E., Başkent D., Munk M. H. J., Verhulst S., Knipper M., Rüttiger L. (2023). “The influence of progressing synaptopathy for distinguishability of speech-related stimuli in the aging rat,” 46th Annual Mid-winter Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Orlando, Florida, USA. Poster.
  • Türüdü S., Koelewijn T., Gaudrain E., Başkent D. (2023). “A comparison of different digits-in-noise test implementations in normal hearing individuals,” 46th Annual Mid-winter Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Orlando, Florida, USA. Poster.
  • Wolpert S., Schirmer J., Rühle M., Dapper K., Wertz J., Wouters M., Bourien J., Puel J.-L., Gaudrain E., Başkent D., Verhulst S., Munk M. H. J., Dalhoff E., Knipper M., Rüttiger L. (2023). “Audiometric markers of cochlear synaptopathy and speech in noise deficits in humans,” 46th Annual Mid-winter Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Orlando, Florida, USA. Poster.
  • Bourien J., Dubernard X., Dapper K., Schirmer J., Wouters M., Başkent D., Kiselev D., Munk M. H. J., Knipper M., Puel J.-L., Verhulst S., Gaudrain E. (2023). “Sound encoding of vowels and syllables in the human auditory nerve,” 46th Annual Mid-winter Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Orlando, Florida, USA. Poster.
  • Dapper K., Emmerich L., Verhulst S., Gaudrain E., Başkent D., Knipper M., Rüttiger L., Munk M. H. J., Braun C. (2023). “Identification of speech in noise deficits in humans using speech-induced MEG,” 46th Annual Mid-winter Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Orlando, Florida, USA. Poster.
  • Koelewijn T., Biçer A., Gaudrain E., Başkent D. (2023). “What can pupillometry tell us about voice perception,” 46th Annual Mid-winter Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Orlando, Florida, USA. Presentation.
  • Rühle M., Schirmer J., Dapper K., Wertz J., Bader K., Knipper M., Verhulst S., Wouters M., Gaudrain E., Başkent D., Munk M., Rüttiger L., Wolpert S., Dalhoff E. (2022). “Audiometric markers of cochlear synaptopathy and speech in noise deficits in humans,” IEB2022 — Inner Ear Biology Symposium, Trieste, Italy.
  • Babaoğlu G., Yazgan B., Erturk P., Gaudrain E., Rachman L., Nagels L., Launer S., Singh G., Chatterjee M., Yücel E., Sennaroğlu G., Başkent D. (2022). “Vocal emotion recognition by native Turkish children with normal hearing and with hearing aids,” 182nd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Denver, CO, USA. doi: 10.1121/10.0011335
  • Koelewijn T., Gaudrain E., Shehab T., Treczoks T., Başkent D. (2022). “The effects of phonological content, sentence context, and vocoding on voice cue perception,” 182nd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Denver, CO, USA. doi: 10.1121/10.0011329
  • Rachman L., Harding E.E., Gray R., Smeenk S., Sarampalis A., Gaudrain E., Başkent D. (2022). “Effects of age and musical expertise on speech-on-speech perception in adults,” 182nd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Denver, CO, USA. doi: 10.1121/10.0011326
  • Leprieur L., Crouzet O., Gaudrain E. (2020). “Une base de données de phrases en français pour l'étude du rôle conjoint des incertitudes sémantique et acoustique dans la perception de la parole,” 6e conférence conjointe Journées d'Études sur la Parole (JEP, 33e édition), Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN, 27e édition), Rencontre des Étudiants Chercheurs en Informatique pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues (RÉCITAL, 22e édition). Volume 1 : Journées d'Études sur la Parole, 2020, Nancy, France. pp.353-361. hal
  • El Boghdady N., Langner F., Nogueira W., Başkent D., Gaudrain E. (2019). “Diffusion models as additional measures of cochlear implant user performance,” 2019 Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses (CIAP), Lake Tahoe, CA, USA. Presentation.
  • Crouzet O., Gaudrain E., Başkent D. (2019). “Perceptual adaptation to formant changes associated with either vowel categories or vocal tract length: Implications for speech perception in cochlear implanted patients,” 2019 Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses (CIAP), Lake Tahoe, CA, USA. Presentation.
  • Nagels L., Gaudrain E., Vickers D., Hendriks P., Başkent D. (2019). “Dissociated development of voice perception across gender cues in normal-hearing and cochlear implant children,” 2019 Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses (CIAP), Lake Tahoe, CA, USA. Presentation.
  • Huet M.-P., Micheyl C., Gaudrain E., Parizet E. (2019). “Brain's temporal response function: Can it be improved with behavioural account of attended stream?” 177th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Louisville, Kentucky, USA. Poster.
  • Arts F., Gaudrain E., Tamati T.N., Başkent D. (2019). “The role of linguistic variability in the perception of voice cues,” 177th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Louisville, Kentucky, USA. Poster.
  • Huet M.-P., Micheyl C., Gaudrain E., Parizet E. (2019). “Brain's temporal response function: Can it be improved with behavioural account of attended stream?” 11th Speech in Noise Workshop, Ghent, Belgium. Poster.
  • Huet M.-P., Micheyl C., Gaudrain E., Parizet E. (2018). “Qui écoute-t-elle? Vers une mesure dynamique de l’attention auditive à la parole,” 14ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, Le Havre, France. Presentation.
  • Nagels L., Gaudrain E., Vickers D., Hendriks P., Başkent D. (2018). “Development of voice characteristics perception and categorization of speakers’ gender in school-age children and adults,” MAPS Summer School, Groningen, Netherlands. Poster.
  • Huet M.-P., Micheyl C., Gaudrain E., Parizet E. (2018). “Who are you listening to? Behavioural measure for decoding listener's attention,” 4th Symposium on cutting-edge methods for EEG research (CuttingEEG), Paris, France. Poster.
  • Huet M.-P., Micheyl C., Gaudrain E., Parizet E. (2018). “Who are you listening to? Behavioural measure for decoding listener's attention,” 11èmes Journées Jeunes Chercheurs en Audition, Acoustique musicale et Signal audio (JJCAAS), Brest, France. Poster.
  • Huet M.-P., Micheyl C., Gaudrain E., Parizet E. (2018). “Who are you listening to? Towards a dynamic measure of auditory attention to speech-on-speech,” 10th Speech in Noise Workshop, Glasgow, United-Kingdom. Poster.
  • Başkent D., Gaudrain E. (2017). “Meet `Sam the robot' for auditory rehabilitation,” iCare meeting, Leuven, Belgium. Presentation.
  • Huet M.-P., Micheyl C., Gaudrain E., Parizet E. (2017). “Qui écoute-t-elle, maintenant? Vers une mesure dynamique de l’attention auditive à la parole” 3èmes Journées Perception Sonore, Brest, France. Poster. hal
  • El Boghdady N., Langner F., Kludt E., Nogueira W., Başkent D., Gaudrain E. (2017). “Improving speech perception in cocktail-party situations for cochlear implant listeners: Is it possible?” Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses, Lake Tahoe, California, USA. Poster.
  • Clarke J., Gaudrain E., Başkent D. (2017). “Top-down repair of interrupted speech in electro-acoustic stimulation,” Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses, Lake Tahoe, California, USA. Poster.
  • Başkent D., Luckmann A., Ceha J. M., Gaudrain E., Tamati T. N. (2017). “The discrimination of voice cues in simulations of bimodal electro-acoustic cochlear-implant hearing,” 9th Speech in Noise Workshop, Oldenburg, Germany. Poster.
  • El Boghdady N., Başkent D., Gaudrain E. (2016). “On the colour of voices: Does good perception of vocal differences relate to better speech intelligibility in cocktail-party settings?” 5th Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society Of America and the Acoustical Society Of Japan, Honolulu, HI, USA. Presentation.
  • Gaudrain E., Deeks J.M., Carlyon R.P. (2016) “Temporal regularity detection and rate discrimination in cochlear-implant listeners” BAS Meeting, Cambridge, United-Kingdom. Presentation.
  • Clarke J.N., Gaudrain E., Başkent D. (2016). “Top-down repair of interrupted speech for bimodal users,” 39th Annual Mid-winter Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, San Diego, California, USA. Poster.
  • Başkent D., Libert J., Vickers D., Gaudrain E. (2016). “The perception of vocal characteristics in children with normal hearing or cochlear implants,” 39th Annual Mid-winter Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, San Diego, California, USA. Presentation.
  • Luckmann A., Jolij J., Ceha J.M., Gaudrain E., Başkent D. (2016). “Neurofeedback as a tool to increase voice discrimination in cochlear implant users,” 39th Annual Mid-winter Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, San Diego, California, USA. Poster.
  • Başkent D., Libert J., Vickers D., Gaudrain E. (2015). “The perception of vocal characteristics in normal-hearing and cochlear-implanted children,” 170th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Jacksonville, Florida, USA. Presentation.
  • El Boghdady N., Başkent D., Gaudrain E. (2015). “Effect of frequency allocation on vocal tract length perception in cochlear implant users,” Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses, Lake Tahoe, California, USA. Poster.
  • Bhargava P., Gaudrain E., Holmes S.D., Morse R.P., Başkent D. (2015). “Temporal gap detection in speech-like stimuli by users of cochlear implants: free-field and direct stimulation,” Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses, Lake Tahoe, California, USA. Poster.
  • Clarke J., Gaudrain E., Başkent D. (2015). “Top-down Repair of Speech: F0 Contours,” 38th Annual Mid-winter Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Poster.
  • Clarke J., Gaudrain E., Başkent D. (2014). “Top-down Repair of Speech: Adding Pitch to Spectrally Degraded Speech,” 37th Annual Mid-winter Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Poster.
  • Clarke J., Gaudrain E., Başkent D. (2013). “Is weak pitch fully responsible for low comprehension of interrupted speech with poor spectral resolution?” Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses, Lake Tahoe, California, USA. Poster.
  • Clarke J., Chatterjee M.C., Gaudrain E., Başkent D. (2013). “Phonemic restoration: Studying the effect of voice alternation,” 36th Annual Mid-winter Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Baltimore, USA. Poster.
  • Naci L., Linke A., Cusack R., Vicente Grabovetsky A., Gaudrain E., Monti M., Owen A. (2011). “Decoding the targets of auditory selective attention in imagery,” 11th International Conference on Cognitive Neuroscience, Majorque, Spain. doi:10.3389/conf.fnhum.2011.207.00170. Poster.
  • Signoret C., Gaudrain E., Perrin F. (2011) “Electrical brain dissociation for consciously and unconsciously categorized auditory stimuli,” 14th Conference of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Toronto, Canada. Poster.
  • Grimault N., Gaudrain E. (2010). “Temporal fine structure for sequential segregation,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 128, p.2454. Second Pan-American/Iberian Meeting On Acoustics, Cancún, Mexico. Talk.
  • Devergie A., Grimault N., Gaudrain E., Berthommier F. (2010). “Influence de la lecture labiale sur la ségrégation auditive de flux de parole,” 10ème Congrès Français d’Acoustique, Lyon, France. Talk.
  • Suied C., Gaudrain E., Ives D.T., Patterson R.D. (2010). “The effect of phase and spectral envelope position in the perception of pitch,” 10ème Congrès Français d’Acoustique, Lyon, France. Talk.
  • Devergie A., Grimault N., Berthommier F., Gaudrain E., Healy E.W. (2008). “Effect of lip movement cues on auditory streaming of concurrent speech,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am 123, 3302. 155th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Paris, France. Poster.
  • Grimault N., Gaudrain E. (2008). “Temporal fine structure cues in auditory stream segregation of complex tones,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 123, 3050. 155th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Paris, France. Poster.

Invited seminars

  • Gaudrain E. (2023). “Speech Psychophysics Tools for Analysis – Resynthesis,” Dys-and-Speech Workshop, Nice, France.
  • Gaudrain E. (2019). “Hearing voices to communicate across the spectrum,” Unversity of Lübeck, Germany. April 2019.
  • Gaudrain E. (2014). “Little Red Riding Hood was fooled by the Wolf's voice because she had a cochlear implant,” BCN Investigators Meeting, University of Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands. 27 March 2014.
  • Gaudrain E. (2014). “Was Roodkapje fooled by the Wolf's voice because she had a cochlear implant?” KNO Refereeravond, University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands. 11 February 2014.
  • Gaudrain E. (2013). “How could Little Red Riding Hood be fooled by the Wolf's voice!? (or Recognizing voices with a cochlear implant)” Maastricht Brain Imaging Centre, Maastricht, Netherlands. 15 November 2013.
  • Gaudrain E. (2013). “Het Herkennen van Stemmen met een Cochleair Implantaat,” CI500 Terugkomdag (symposium organised for the celebration of the 500th cochlear implant patient at UMCG), Groningen, Netherlands. 13 September 2013.
  • Gaudrain E. (2012). “Sequential speech segregation in cochlear implants,” Speech Science Forum, Chandler House, University College London, UK. 12 July 2012.
  • Gaudrain E. (2012). “Perception de voix concurrentes : De la psychoacoustique à la parole,” Laboratoire de Mécanique d’Acoustique, CNRS, Marseille, France. 20 March 2012.
  • Gaudrain E. (2012). “Temporal coherence in concurrent speech perception,” University Medical Center Groningen, Netherlands. 15 May 2012.
  • Gaudrain E., Carlyon R.P. (2012). “Zebra speech: Sequential segregation in concurrent speech perception,” Cambridge Hearing Group Seminar, University of Cambridge, UK 7 February 2012.
  • Gaudrain E., Carlyon R.P. (2011). “Invitez un zèbre à votre Cocktail Party : Ségrégation séquentielle séparation de voix concurrentes chez les implantés cochléaires,” Centre de Recherche en Neurosciences de Lyon, France. 23 May 2011.
  • Gaudrain E. (2010). “How could the Little Red Ridding Hood be fooled by the Wolf’s voice? On the manipulation and perception of speakers’ vocal characteristics,” Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany. 21 January 2010.
  • Gaudrain E., Patterson R.D. (2009). “How could the Little Red Ridding Hood be fooled by the Wolf’s voice?” Developmental and Cognitive Neuroscience Unit, Institute of Child Health, University College Londres, UK. 2 December 2009.
  • Gaudrain E. (2009). “Perception of (concurrent) speech,” MRC Institute of Hearing Research, Nottingham, UK. 6 October 2009.
  • Gaudrain E. (2009). “How could the Little Red Ridding Hood be fooled by the Wolf’s voice?” Conférence SpiN. Laboratoire Dynamique du Langage, Lyon, France. 27 May 2009.
  • Gaudrain E. (2008). “Sequential segregation of concurrent speech: is obligatory streaming involved in the cocktail party situation? From psychoacoustics to speech sciences,” Speech Science Forum, Chandler House, University College London, UK. 22 October 2008.
  • Gaudrain E., Grimault N., Healy E.W., Béra J.-C. (2007). “Sequential segregation of vowel sequences,” Cambridge Hearing Group Seminar, University of Cambridge, UK. 9 July 2007.

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